Background & Qualifications
Senior accredited member of BACP
Trained In Online Counselling
My training in Online Counselling has expanded my skills base to be comfortable working via video or phone
Therapy background and qualifications
After working as a Samaritan volunteer for 8 years, I decided to build upon this valuable experience and started a Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy. I completed this 4 year training in 1998 and worked in the NHS for 20 years until retiring in 2016. During that time I ran a small private practice, and continue to do so.
I worked with people of all ages, experiencing a whole range of mental health problems, which included dealing with the severe long term effects of all kinds of childhood trauma.
Depending on your wishes, I can work over a shorter or longer period. Shorter term work is usually about six to eight sessions while longer term therapy can be open-ended and is an opportunity to work at deeper levels. I would review our work together on a regular basis to ensure you are getting the help you need, however, I would welcome feedback from you at any time so that our communication remains open and honest.
Cert. in Online Counselling. OCST. 2014
Cert. in Supervision COSCA. 2009
Dip. In Counselling & Psychotherapy 1994 - 1998
Person Centred,
Transactional Analysis (TA)